Amplified Bible
Contempor-ary English
King James Version
The New Living Bible
The Message
New American Standard (updated)
New International Readers Version
New Inter- national Version
New King James Version
New Revised Standard Version
Completed 1987
NT 1991, Psalms & Proverbs 1992
Completed 1611
Completed 1971
Revised 1996
NT, Psalms & Proverbs 1995
Completed 1971
Updated 1995
Attempts to reveal, through English word equivalents which clarify and amplify meanings that may otherwise have been concealed by the traditional
translation method.
Attempts to be readable and faithful to meaning of original texts. Uncompli- cated grammar structure.
Also known as the Authorized Version (AV). Words today often don't mean the same thing as they did in the 1600's. Literary masterpiece, but a
tough read.
Takes meaning of Greek and Hebrew texts to provide a balance of readability and accuracy. Easy to understand.
Attempts to preserve the flavor and expressive character of the Bible's bestloved books. No verse markings. Easy to read
Intent of the translators was to produce a literal translation of the Bible. It is an excellent choice for indepth Bible study. The most literal translation
that is now more readable
An excellent translation geared for children with no more than a thirdgrade reading level. Colorful pictures and charts.
Attempts to faithfully reproduce what the original Scripture writers wrote, in language that people can read and understand without
Attempts to provide a translation that is accurate and much easier to read than KJV.
A standard in many church denominations NRSV attempts to provide a translation that is accurate and much easier to read.