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Daily Email Devotional:



Living Out the Text

    James 1:22 Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. (NIV)

The goal of studying God's word is not merely to know His word, but to live His word! As you immerse yourself in the Bible, God begins to transform your heart and mind--the more you become like God, the more you live like God!


  • Allow the passage to speak to you. . . don't read a meaning into the passage that just isn’t there!
  • All application must be consistent with the whole word of God.
  • Don't isolate passages, read it within its context of the whole passage.
  • Develop a plan of action for today to apply what you've learned!

Questions to assist with Application:

    Is there a command in the verse that I am currently disobeying?
    How does this apply to my personal life? 
    Is there an example of prayer to learn? 
    Am I committing the sin in the passage?
    How does this apply to my family? to my relationships?
    How does this apply to my neighbor? 
    Is there an example of a character trait that I need to improve on?
    Is there a behavior I need to work on? 
    Is there a promise to claim?
    How does this apply in my workplace?
    How does this apply to my church?

And then lastly, but most importantly, after God reveals to you the application of the passage to your life, determine what your action play will be to implement the application. Don’t put it off until tomorrow, APPLY THE TRUTH TODAY!

My Action Plan for today is:



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