Preparing your Heart
Preparing to Study by Praising God
Before you even open your Bible acknowledge Who it is that will be speaking to you. Get your focus right by praising God for Who He is! Ideas for your time of praise.
Preparing to Study by Cleansing Your Heart
If I had cherished sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened; (Psalm 66:18 NIV)
Not sure of what sins you’re committing?
See what God calls sin.
In 1 John 1:9, John writes that we need to confess our sins to be cleansed of them. To confess means literally to say the same thing, or to agree with. Confession is more than a
general acknowledgment of one’s sinfulness. A child of God must be willing to say the same thing about his sins that God says about them - God hates sin! Ask God to
bring to mind anything that you have done that displeases Him. .
I find that it’s helpful for me to write out my confession. This keeps my mind focused and also gives me a written record of how I’m doing in my spiritual life
and which areas of my life I need to work harder on. Try writing your confession of sins and then claim God’s forgiveness of your sins.
The result of confessing our sins to God is that God is faithful. He is true to His word and forgives us. He
cleanses us of our own unrighteousness. Satan no longer has grounds to accuse us. Now ask God to prepare you for what His Spirit will teach you today through His Word.
Preparing our heart also involves Choosing to Listen and Choosing to Obey.