How incredible it will be when we meet God face to face and understand who He is! In the meantime, to a large degree, it is a mystery. He has revealed enough of His nature to man, to know that we will never understand all of Him. The more you learn about Him, the more you realize how little you know.
According to the World Book Dictionary, the definition of immanence is, the pervading presence of God in His creation, and the definition of the transcendence of God is to be above and independent of the physical universe. The two attributes are opposite but complimentary, and need to be kept in the proper balance to understand God. He is both superior to, and absent from, His creation and yet very present and active within the universe.
God is not only personal, and dwells within man, He is also exalted above all creation. He is active and present in our world, and yet superior, absent and removed from it. He is transcendent. God in His perfect balance has made Himself active and present in our lives so that we can develop a relationship with Him. Though we never completely know and understand Him, we can spend a lifetime getting to know Him better and growing closer to Him. Join me in taking a deeper look into the characteristics of God.
As you read through the Bible, keep a running list of how God is described.
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