It’s early, breezy and cool here in Tiberias…or at least cool for this Floridian. I’m sitting at the Sea of Galilee with the Golan Heights across the lake. It’s hazy this morning so I’m not sure that I’ll get much of a sunrise. There are some fish popping to the surface of the water and birds sweeping down for breakfast. I know that life is different here than when Christ lived (there’s a water park behind me and the steady stream of car traffic). And yet I’m struck with the fact that although it’s different, much of it is the same. The hills I’m looking at were handcrafted by the Master Creator. And that Master Creator is still intimately involved with His creation overseeing the life of the lake as well as the lives of all who are here.
In the quiet of this moment I am overwhelmed with wonder of Him who is the Creator. In the quiet of this morning I am worshipping my Lord. As I my heart connects with my Creator a tiny bird perches on the rail before me and my mind immediately goes to Matthew 6:25-26 where Jesus said: “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?” He knew just what I needed to hear…I have been worrying and fretting because of technical equipment glitches since I’ve been here. He graciously reminded me of Who is in control.
Thank You Lord. Thank You for bringing Your Word to my mind. Thank You for taking a simple little bird and connecting me to Your precious Word. How many times during my busy days at home does He try to take my thoughts back to His Word, but I’m too busy…too busy with the day to day routine to allow His Spirit to connect with my heart. I’m ready to slow down…seek My Savior’s heart and listen for His still voice.
How about you…Have you taken the time to slow down…to seek God’s heart…to seek His heart through His Word? How is He “speaking” to you today? Most likely the first thing He will say is “I love you!”
In His Embrace,
P.S. It’s warmed up a bit perhaps it’s my heart that’s been warmed by His!
View pictures at: Israel Pictures