Be diligent in these matters; give yourself wholly to them, so that everyone may see your progress. (NIV) 1 Timothy 4:15
It seems like at my computers crash at the worst of times. Last week my laptop was down. Everything was working fine. I was in the middle of typing a letter and suddenly the screen went blank. Panic set in as I thought of the files I had lost since yesterday’s backup. The first thing I did was look for an obvious solution. I removed the battery and tried to boot up. . . nothing. After cracking open the case and verifying that all the hardware was connected correctly and doing some simple diagnostic tests, it became evident that I would have to look “underneath” the obvious to correct the problem.
When my life gets out of sync with God there are indications of a problem – patience wears thin, I may say things that I later regret, I begin churning inside, I avoid contact with other Christians – something just isn’t right. Eventually, if the problem (sin) is not dealt with, I become ineffective in my Christian life and my relationship with God suffers dramatically.
At first glance it may seem like an obvious solution, but more often than not, it takes a look “underneath” the obvious.
When was the last time that you asked God to show you what’s “underneath” the obvious in your life?
If it’s been awhile, ask Him to do a “tune- up” with your life and allow Him to get you back to operating the way He created you to work.
Written by Marji “Mike” Kruger