“As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love.” (NIV) John 15:9
Lord, You are the Word. . . You were in the beginning . . . You are with God, You are God. You created all things. . . all things were created for You. You are the Bread of Life, You are the Good Shepherd, You are the gate to Heaven, You are Living Water for the thirsty, You are the Way, the Truth and the Life. You are the resurrection and the Life…You are life itself.
But, often I get so messed up with my thinking. I get more focused on what I should do, than who God wants me to be. I look more for the next step, instead of sitting quietly and listening for God’s voice, enjoying the presence of the Ruler of the Universe.
A Prayer: O Lord forgive me, I just want to hold Your hand and walk with You today. Forgive me for getting so focused on the future that I lose today. And as a result I lose the fullness of my relationship with You, I lose opportunities to be used by You. O Father, today I choose to keep my eyes on You, may I experience Your presence in a new way!
Written by Marji “Mike” Kruger