One of my favorite visits while we’re in Lesotho is to a primary school. The school in a poor village in Maseru. It’s the same school that we have visited since 2007.
Here are my thoughts from the last trip to the school…
Upon our arrival in the car we were swarmed by it seemed like 100’s of children. I think I now know what it’s like to be a celebrity! The children were all chanting and screaming they were so excited to see us.
We were told that they remembered us from previous years.
The distribution of clothing and other items went very smoothly. Emily and Julia, our friends from Ackerman’s store, along with Me’ Rose, helped us shop and coordinated the day.
I’m guessing that 300 plus children gathered in the church (can you imagine a church on public school property in the US?!?) along with their teachers,
the principal, the chief of the village and the Lesotho TV station film crew.
Julia did an invocation and introduction in Sesotho before having me (Mike) speak as well as pray for the children. Everyone of them knew we were there to share the love of Christ in tangible ways.
Then 1 by 1 beginning with the youngest, the children came up to receive their shoes, clothes, etc. You couldn’t believe their faces…smiles everywhere! They immediately put their new treasures on.
The needs are so great…we are praying that by touching lives individually that 1 by 1 we will point them to Jesus.
I can’t wait to see the kids this year’s 2010 visit to Lesotho!