Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you? (NIV) Psalm 85:6
- Evidence that supports the need for revival:
- Lack of love for others
- Worldliness in church
- Dissension
- Jealousy
- Evil rumors
- Conformity to world
- Church members falling into scandalous sins
- Sinners’ hearts grow more hardened despite preaching
(above is adapted from “How to Experience Revival” by Charles Finney)
It looks to me like our society not only needs revival. But, how about your life? Does your heart need to be revived? How does your life exhibit a lack of love for others? How do you look “different” from the world? Is there any dissension in your life? any jealousy? When was the last time you passed along a rumor or gossiped? What secret sins would you be embarrassed of if word got out? How soft is your heart to the preaching and teaching of God’s Word? and are you being changed by it?
Will you ask God to revive your heart today so that you may shine brightly for Him?