When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at Jesus’ knees and said, “Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!” (NIV) Luke 5:8
The Scene: Jesus is by the Sea of Galilee, people are crowding around him and listening to the Word of God. After He finishes speaking, Jesus tells Peter and his fishing partners to let down the nets one more time. It’s an unusual request because they had fished all night and this isn’t the time of the day to catch fish. Nevertheless, Peter obeys and is overwhelmed with the catch that is so big that as the boats are filled, they begin to sink. When Peter sees what has happened he’s overcome with his encounter with the Divine. . . so much so, that he instinctively realizes his own sinfulness and says: “Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!” (Luke 5:8). When someone encounters the Holy One, it’s a natural reaction to see your own deficiencies, your own utter depravity before God.
What’s your reaction to meeting the Holy One? And what is the result of your encounter with God? What emotions are evoked in your quiet times with God? How do you express your emotions to God in worship? How do you express your love for Him?
Ask God to reveal Himself to you as the Holy One. . . and you will never look at sin the same!