“Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.” (1 John 3:18, NIV)
I am a planner. I have more notepads in my house than the New York Times. Every day, I make lists of “things to do”. Recently, I have started another list. This is my personal card ministry list, and I send cards to people every week. This has been a tremendous blessing in my life.
I am also attempting, as of late, to “walk the walk” instead of merely “talking the talk”. With many saints in our church as my role models, I am trying to visit the sick; take flowers or food to people I love; do more phoning, and write more words of encouragement. I want to be a doer, and not a hearer, only.
Jesus was the only Son of God. He could have written out His heavenly plans on golden note pads, and let His angels do the walking. But, He didn’t. Jesus was a doer. He preached, taught, healed, encouraged, visited, and walked among the people every day. His healing hands restored sight to the blind, made the lame jump with joy, and gave hope to everyone.
When Jesus commissioned His disciples, He instructed them to GO from town to city, preaching, teaching, and healing in His name. And, at The Last Supper, He gave them the Holy sacraments, and instructed them to, “…DO this in remembrance of Me.” (Luke 22:19, NIV) Jesus didn’t tell the disciples to make a list of “things to do”. He told them, TO DO good works.
Strap on your sandals, and begin your personal walk. The road ahead is hot and dusty, but Jesus has blazed the trail before us, and His footprints are right there in the sand, next to yours and mine.
Guest Blogger: Myra F. Smith