We are sitting under some trees in Capernaum. The city is on the north side of the Sea of Galilee. To my left in front of me is where Peter’s house is located.

And just to my left are the the ruins above the original stones of the synagogue where Jesus taught.

Many of the people are sitting on ancient columns as we listen to Kay Arthur teach from Luke. Capernaum became the center of Jesus ministry in the Galilean area. It is called “his own city” in Matthew 9:1.
Jesus performed many miracles here…cast out demons…healed Peter’s mother-in-law… healed the paralytic let down throug the roof…and He healed many others. He interacted with the tax-collectors who gathered at the permanent tax office in Capernaum…and He called Matthew the tax collector to follow Him. He taught in the synagogue. And just to the west of us, He preached the Sermon on the Mount at the Mt. of Beatitudes.