We are on a boat on the Sea of Galilee heading north from Tiberias to Capernaum. It’s a beautiful day. The sun is out; it’s in the mid-70’s. We are surrounded by mountains on either side of us with the Golan Heights to the right.
It seems like we are in the middle of the lake. Perhaps we are as far out as when the disciples had the storm blow in (John 6:16-19). I’m thinking that the disciples probably thought they had it all under control…after all some of them were fishermen and very familiar with these waters. They were out there everyday fishing for a living. And suddenly a storm blew in. It was pitch black. We can see the shoreline, but even in the daylight there is still a lot that we can’t see. Without modern day lights, though the disciples in the middle of the night were operating in the dark.
That night God knew the waves were going to increase, that a storm was coming and that Jesus was going to wait until 3 – 6AM to go out to the disciples. He was watching them from a mountain on the shore. It’s amazing that 2000 years later we are still learning from it. I have learned we don’t have to see everything…He has our best in mind…He has a purpose in mind and His purposes will prevail. There is a tremendous comfort in knowing that God is in control.