For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. (NIV) Isaiah 9:6
The Hebrew word translated “peace” is “Shalom”. Shalom depicts a satisfied condition; an unconcerned state of peacefulness; a sense of well being; a state of being unharmed or unhurt, both externally and internally. . . the deepest desire and need of the human heart. Shalom represents the greatest measure of contentment and satisfaction in life.
God in His own person, is perfect peace and we receive peace with God through Christ. The source of peace comes from only one place, God! It is the presence of God in our lives that brings peace. But, a peace that rules in our hearts and minds also depends upon the measure of our trust in God. It is through Christ that we have peace. . .there is no hope apart from Him.
Do you exhibit a satisfied life? A sense of well being? A life of contentment? Do you maintain a peace which transcends all understanding? If not, go to Jesus. For He is the One who is the Prince of Peace.