He plied him with many questions. . . (NIV) Luke 23:9a
Life is full of a lot of questions. Some are pretty simple to answer.
What time do I have to get up to make my first appointment?
What kind of coffee will I buy?
What should I wear?
Others are…more challenging.
Where do I find time for the important people and activities in my life?
How do I raise good kids?
How do I juggle my busy life and a career?
How can I be content as a single when I want to be married? Or How can I be content in my marriage?
Is my life making any difference?
There are many people and places where we can get the answers. . .from the media or magazines. . .from family members or friends. . .In “how to” books or from a counselor. . .from spouses or trusted confidants. Some people try to suppress the questions. While others claim to have all the answers.
Over the years I have learned that there is only One person who gives me the right answers to my questions. He is the One who has a Look of Love in His eyes.
Where do you go to find the answers to life’s questions?