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Together We Can Make a Difference
View pictures at: Israel Pictures
We are in Jerusalem. I’m trying to get caught up with my pictures, thoughts and reflections from the Galilee area. I could spend months here. Here’s a “Thought for the Day” that I recorded as I spent time with God early in the morning…
This is wild! I am sitting on a rock at Hebrew University writing all of you as I am overlooking Jerusalem. From where I am sitting I have a clear view of the Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount. I can see the walls that surrounded the city. Below the wall is the Kidron Valley which Jesus crossed before He went into the Garden of Gethsemane.
I’m sure that I have no idea what I will experience here, but I am looking forward to what I see here and what I learn. I will keep you up to date!
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We are at a site on the Sea of Galilee that is similar to where Jesus fed the 5000. The following is an except from a Thought for the Day
The crowds had gathered. There were 5000 men in the crowd, conservatively figuring, there was somewhere between 10-15,000 people, including the women and children, possibly as many as 25,000, who had come to see and hear Jesus. Jesus did not have to advertise to attract a huge crowd. Word had spread that His teaching was refreshing after all the rules that their religious leaders had piled on them. And word had spread around the countryside about this Man from God who heals the sick, casts demons out of the possessed, cleanses lepers, heals the paralyzed, restores sight to the blind.
All during the day Jesus and His 12 disciples gave themselves to the crowd, because the crowd was hungry. . . they were hungry for healing. . .hungry for help. . .and hungry for hope. Are you hungry for the healing of your broken body? Healing of your broken marriage? Healing of your broken family? Healing of your broken dreams? Healing of your broken life? Healing of a broken friendship?
Are you hungry for help with your finances? with your work situation? with your chaotic life? Are you hungry for hope? Hope to find the meaning of life? Hope to fill the emptiness inside? Hope in finding Love that is uncompromised and unfailing?
Eventually the crowds become hungry for food. Jesus miraculously feeds this huge crowd with just 5 small loaves of bread and 2 small fish. All the people eat and are satisfied. Jesus took control of the situation and met their need. Why not let Jesus have control of your situation and allow Him to meet your need?
“That crowd of Jews would have followed Christ at that moment because He was giving them what they wanted [bread], and they wished to use Him for their plans and dreams and purposes. That attitude to Christ still lingers in men’s minds. We would like Christ’s gifts without Christ’s Cross; we would like to use Christ instead of allowing Him to use us. ” … William Barclay (1907-1978), The Gospel of John (Vol. 1)
Are you a half-hearted follower of Jesus? When have you followed Him because it’s convenient? Because you think you will have a life of ease? Because you think you will receive what you want? How do you “use” Jesus for your own advancement or purposes? Would God say you are more eager to use Him than to be used by Him? We all have trouble dying to ourselves, why not ask Jesus to answer the following prayer: “Lord, may you become greater in my life. . . and may I become less.” (John 3:31)
Written by Marji “Mike” Kruger
We are sitting under some trees in Capernaum. The city is on the north side of the Sea of Galilee. To my left in front of me is where Peter’s house is located.
And just to my left are the the ruins above the original stones of the synagogue where Jesus taught.
Many of the people are sitting on ancient columns as we listen to Kay Arthur teach from Luke. Capernaum became the center of Jesus ministry in the Galilean area. It is called “his own city” in Matthew 9:1.
Jesus performed many miracles here…cast out demons…healed Peter’s mother-in-law… healed the paralytic let down throug the roof…and He healed many others. He interacted with the tax-collectors who gathered at the permanent tax office in Capernaum…and He called Matthew the tax collector to follow Him. He taught in the synagogue. And just to the west of us, He preached the Sermon on the Mount at the Mt. of Beatitudes.
We are on a boat on the Sea of Galilee heading north from Tiberias to Capernaum. It’s a beautiful day. The sun is out; it’s in the mid-70’s. We are surrounded by mountains on either side of us with the Golan Heights to the right.
It seems like we are in the middle of the lake. Perhaps we are as far out as when the disciples had the storm blow in (John 6:16-19). I’m thinking that the disciples probably thought they had it all under control…after all some of them were fishermen and very familiar with these waters. They were out there everyday fishing for a living. And suddenly a storm blew in. It was pitch black. We can see the shoreline, but even in the daylight there is still a lot that we can’t see. Without modern day lights, though the disciples in the middle of the night were operating in the dark.
That night God knew the waves were going to increase, that a storm was coming and that Jesus was going to wait until 3 – 6AM to go out to the disciples. He was watching them from a mountain on the shore. It’s amazing that 2000 years later we are still learning from it. I have learned we don’t have to see everything…He has our best in mind…He has a purpose in mind and His purposes will prevail. There is a tremendous comfort in knowing that God is in control.
This is pretty wild…I’m sitting at the Sea of Galilee sending this blog. The internet card for my computer arrived yesterday. A few days late, but better late than never. Now I can blog my impressions of sites onsite! I uploaded some more pictures last night. You can find them at:
I’ll be checking in soon!
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