The word “Meribah” means to quarrel. The word “Massah” means to test. The Israelites tested and tried God even though they had seen the mighty miracles He had done. . . God miraculously released the Israelites from Egyptian slavery. . . He had parted the Red Sea when the Egyptian army was in pursuit of the people. . . He provided food in the form of manna each morning. God had been faithful to His promises, the people doubted. And as a consequence they wandered in the wilderness for 40 years because they had disobeyed God and hardened their hearts against Him.
What is God saying to you today? Are you obeying Him? There may be great urgency for you to obey God’s commands. You may not see why–but you are to obey God. If you obey, your life, your family, and your ministry will be blessed beyond measure. If you disobey you will live with the consequences for a great while…look at the consequences for the Israelites. The choice is now yours. Obey and receive blessing. Disobey and reap the consequences. Each day it’s your choice!