I have not dwelt in a house from the day I brought Israel up out of Egypt to this day. I have moved from one tent site to another, from one dwelling place to another. 1 Chronicles 17:5
Then David said, “The house of the LORD God is to be here, and also the altar of burnt offering for Israel.” (NIV) 1 Chronicles 22:1
Over 3000 years ago, a young man named David was anointed king of God’s people. He was a man with a heart after God. Not free from struggles or sin, but he had a tender responsive heart. David achieved more and more success as king. God gave him great wealth as well as peace and rest from all his enemies around him. David saw how God was working among His people and it was his desire to build a house for God to dwell in. After all, David lived in his own magnificent palace. Why should God’s presence reside in a tent? Up until this time, whenever God’s people moved, God moved from place to place with a tent as His dwelling. But, how do you build a dwelling for God?
How do you build a dwelling for the One. . .
- Who is the Creator of the universe?
- Who breathes life into every man and woman?
- Who made a covenant with Abraham declaring that his descendants would be God’s chosen people?
- Who delivered the Israelites from the bondage of slavery in Egypt?
- Who powerfully parted the Red Sea making the water stand firm like a wall?
- Who guided His people with a cloud by day and with light from the fire all night?
- Who split the rocks in the desert to give the Israelites water as abundant as the seas?
- Who led His people into the Promised Land?
- Who at the sound of trumpets tumbled the walls of Jericho?
- Who empowered David to slay the giant Goliath?
- Who gave David the victory over his enemies?
- Who anointed David King?
How do you build a dwelling for the One. . .
- Who is all present?
- Who is eternal?
- Whose voice thunders over the oceans?
- Who hung the stars like a canopy in the sky?
- Who is incomprehensible?
- Who is immeasurable?
- Who nothing in all of creation happens beyond His ultimate purpose and will?
- Who stands before His universe utterly unlimited and immutable?
How do you build a house big enough for God’s presence?
Written by Marji “Mike” Kruger