Here’s a glimpse of a typical Saturday morning Bible Study in Lesotho…
Together We Can Make a Difference
Life is full of a lot of questions. I have learned that there is only One person who gives me the right answers to my questions. He is the One who has a Look of Love in His eyes.
When I ask Him: “Lord, why are You allowing all these natural disasters? Tens of thousands of lives lost. . .more are homeless and hopeless. . .Lord, You could do something. Why?” I see the Look of Love in His eyes as He says: “I AM the helper of the fatherless. . .the defender of the oppressed. I am still in control. My ways are not your ways. Trust Me when your questions are not answered.”
Some days I’m just exhausted. . .I don’t feel like I can handle any more. . .there are too many demands from my ministry. . .from my family. . .from my friends. . .from those in need. He gently picks me up in His strong arms. . .lets me put my head down on His chest. I listen to His heartbeat and I see the Look of Love in His eyes as He says: “I love you. Come to Me whenever you are weary and tired. I will give you rest.”
When I blow it and go to Him to confess my sin. . .again. With shame in my eyes I don’t want to look into His eyes. But, He gently cups my chin in His hand, lifts my eyes to His and I see the Look of Love in His eyes as He says: “You are forgiven. As far as the east is from the west, so far have I removed your transgressions. Go and walk in the newness of life.”
When I have been falsely accused. . .my reputation questioned. . .my ministry attacked. I see the Look of Love in His eyes as He says: “I understand. I’ve been there. You are blessed if you are insulted because of My Name. Repay evil with blessing. Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. . .Trust Me.”
When life gets too hard and I go to Him and say: “It’s not worth it. It’s too hard to live this Christian life.” He gazes at me with Look of Love in His eyes and says: “O My Child, My Beloved. . . every bit of pain and agony I went through on the cross was worth it to have you in eternity with Me. Fix your eyes on Me, the author and perfecter of your faith. It is I who endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. You have a wonderful future. I know. I have prepared a place for you.”
I have experienced that Look of Love in His eyes over and over again and I can’t get enough of it! I have heard Him speak to me through His Word again and again and I can’t get enough of it! How about you?
Life is full of a lot of questions. I have learned that there is only One person who gives me the right answers to my questions. He is the One who has a Look of Love in His eyes.
The first time I experienced that Look of Love was at 10 years old when I began a relationship with Jesus. I experienced that Look of Love in His eyes as He said: “I chose you to be My child before I created the foundations of the earth. . .you are one of My original masterpieces that I created for My pleasure and My purposes.”
Over the years I have experienced His Look of Love in different ways and at different times. When I wandered away from Him, lived my own way, making my own decisions. . .as I returned to Him I saw the Look of Love in His eyes as He welcomed me back with open arms and said: “Welcome home My Child, welcome home. You’re blessed when you stay on My course, walking steadily on the road revealed by Me.”
I have learned that when I have an important decision to make and I frantically go to Him saying: “I could do this. . .or I could do that. . .or maybe. . .Oh! What do I do?” I see the Look of Love in His eyes as He says. . .”Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it.’ I am your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go.”
“Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.” (NIV) Luke 10:41-42
Chances are that you have at least one appointment or one deadline to meet today. . . maybe you have more than your day will allow! Martha had a deadline: preparing a dinner for God. But, was it an “assignment” that God had given her? Mary was doing what Jesus felt was most important, listening to Him!
Do you get bogged down in what you think you ought to accomplish during a day? Do you get frustrated when a deadline is approaching and you know you’re crunched for time? I know I do!
How often do you go to God and ask Him what He wants you to do today? God never gives us more to do in a day than we can handle. . . it’s when we pile our agenda on top of His plans that we get pushed for time. I’m an expert with piling on my own agenda. But, I’m trying to change…to listen for His agenda instead of mine.
When do you take the time to ask God what He has planned for your day? And when you know what He wants you to do, do you follow through with His plans? Or do you do what you think is most important? Why not try checking with God right now about His plans for your day? And then watch for how good you are at meeting all the appointments, all the deadlines of your day. . . God’s way!
Written by Marji “Mike” Kruger
But Jesus said to him, “No one, after putting his hand to the plow and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.” (NAS) Luke 9:62
Have you done any good plowing lately? Well let’s put our hands down on the plow handles for a moment and visualize plowing up a field, preparing the soil for seed that will be sown and produce (hopefully) a huge harvest! But, what happens when you look back? The plow goes crooked! No neat rows, but a hodgepodge of lines dug up in the field.
How do you look back? Do you look back longing for an old way of life? Do you look back with regrets over past sins? Do you look back trying to relive past accomplishments? How are you looking back?
Other times we may not be looking back into our pasts, but instead looking side to side at what’s around us? Again the plow will go crooked if we’re not looking straight ahead. What distracts you from looking straight ahead, focusing your attention on Christ? Is it relationships? The pursuit of becoming comfortable? The attractiveness of what society has to offer? Ambition? Self-indulgence? Competition? Desiring what your friends and neighbors have? What’s turning your focus away from purpose ahead of you?
Jesus didn’t allow distractions in His life. He put His hands down on the plow with a fixed purpose and completed His task. Jesus doesn’t want followers who are half-hearted or lukewarm. . . He doesn’t want followers with a distracted or divided focus! How’s your plowing? What needs to change so you can plow straight ahead and follow Jesus?
And Mary said: “My soul exalts the Lord, (NAS) Luke 1:46
“Praise be to the Lord, the God of Israel, because he has come and has redeemed his people. (NIV) Luke 1:68
Look at how Mary and Zechariah reacted to God’s work in their lives, they immediately praised God. You may think that was the natural thing to do, but take a closer look.
Mary knew she would be ridiculed for being pregnant and unmarried. . . she faced the reality that her fiance, Joseph, could break their engagement. . . and she understood that the penalty if she was found guilty of adultery was death. And yet in the midst of that, out of her heart came praises to her Lord (Luke 1:46)!
Zechariah had just regained his ability to speak after being mute for over 9 months. He didn’t express bitterness against God. . . nor did he question God’s methods. . . he immediately began praising His Lord, the God of Israel (Luke 1:68).
What is your reaction to difficult situations? Do you complain? Question God? Become bitter? Withdraw from people? Try to escape from your problems? The next time you’re in a predicament, try following Mary and Zechariah example. . . turn your eyes toward God and praise Him for who He is!
God was very specific with John the Baptist’s purpose in life, it was to prepare the people for Christ’s arrival. And John was commended for his service when Jesus said, “I tell you the truth: Among those born of women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist. . . ” (Matthew 11:11).
But, John the Baptist wasn’t the only one who had a specific life purpose, so do you! God created you for a unique purpose to fulfill in His Kingdom. Before you were born God planned the good works that you would do (Ephesians 2:10). He has given you a unique personality, a unique background, a unique set of talents and gifts, and a unique life experience. Only you can fulfill God’s purpose for your life.
So, what is your God ordained purpose in life? Why did He create you? What is it that only you can do for His Kingdom? Half the fun in life is listening for God’s voice and His directives for your life!
“I tell you the truth,” Jesus answered, “this very night, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times.” 35 But Peter declared, “Even if I have to die with you, I will never disown you.” And all the other disciples said the same.
74 Then he began to call down curses on himself and he swore to them, “I don’t know the man!” Immediately a rooster crowed. 75 Then Peter remembered the word Jesus had spoken: “Before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times.” And he went outside and wept bitterly. (NIV) Matthew 26:34-35, 26:74-75
What do you do when you fail a friend? You go to him or her to apologize, ask for forgiveness, and restore the relationship. But, what if for various reasons you can’t go to that friend? It leaves an incredible void in your soul when you are unable to make things right. I believe that that is how Peter felt after he had denied Christ three times.
Peter had confidently declared his allegiance to Jesus before He went to the cross. Yet, when the chips were down, Peter denied Him 3 times. His reaction, Peter wept bitterly. He knew he had failed the One that had been a Friend like no other. But, Jesus was dead. . .Peter saw no hope in ever being able to apologize to Him. Can you imagine the remorse that Peter lived with for 3 days as he relived his denial of Christ. But then, the impossible happened. . .Jesus arose from the dead! Peter responds to the news by running to Jesus’ tomb only to find it empty. Had he been hopeful that he could finally apologize to Jesus? Did he want to be reassured that Jesus hadn’t given up on him?
Jesus took the initiative to go to Peter. “He appeared to Peter, and then to the Twelve” (1 Corinthians 15:5). We can only surmise the gist of His conversation, but I believe that when Peter looked into his Savior’s eyes he saw forgiveness, mercy, grace and love. Later, the risen Lord appeared to Peter and gave him a special commission: “Tend My Lambs. . .shepherd My sheep. . .and tend My sheep” (John 21:1-17). Jesus re-established Peter’s role of leadership.
Peter became a transformed man. He quickly became the leader and spokesman for the early disciples. His name heads every list of the Twelve in the New Testament. His preaching in the early days of the church (Acts 1-10) shows his great ability. The first 11 chapters of Acts revolve around the activity of Peter. He was busy. . . Peter was the spokesman at Pentecost. . .he healed the lame man at the temple. . .he defied the Sanhedrin, refusing to be silent about Jesus. . .he presided over the grim task of dealing with Annanias and Sapphira. . .and he dealt with the deceit of Simon the magician. Peter was the one chosen to reach out to Cornelius, a Gentile, after God revealed to him that the gospel would be extended to Jew and Gentile alike. Peter played a key role at the Council of Jerusalem which decided in favor of granting church membership to Gentiles. Not bad for one who denied Christ.
Peter failed Jesus, but Jesus never failed Peter. Jesus prayed for Peter when he is weak and He prays for us. Jesus picked Peter up when he was down and He picks us up. Jesus forgave Peter when he failed and He forgives us. Jesus healed Peter’s painful memory of denial and He heals us. Jesus believed in Peter and He believes in us. Jesus died for Peter and died for us. Jesus loved Peter and loves us. Jesus is our faithful Friend who sticks closer to us than a brother.
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