![]() Loving Him and His, Read about Anchor Your Life’s current and previous trips to Lesotho. Make a secure online contribution to help the children of Lesotho through Anchor Your Life. |
His Word
God’s Word truly does stand forever. Personally, I don’t want to depend on anything or anyone else, but God and His Word! Not other men or even men’s opinions about God’s Word! Who are you listening to? Are you digging into God’s Word and finding Truth for yourself? Or are you depending upon what others to give you? depending upon others to explain God’s Word? Are you depending upon a pastor to show you God through His Word? or a teacher? or a radio personality? your spouse? a friend? Those who teach us from the Bible are important, but God also wants you to get into His Word for yourself. . . spend time in the Bible. . . wrestle with what He is saying to you through His Word. . . and I promise you, you’ll never be the same!
Do you need strength today? or wisdom? Do you need God’s Spirit to be your counselor today? Your Spirit to comfort me. . .Your Spirit to be my advocate. . .Your Spirit to be my peace. . .Your Spirit to be my confidence. . .Your Spirit to give me courage. . .
The Power Behind The Promises!
Comfort, comfort my people, says your God. Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, and proclaim to her that her hard service has been completed, that her sin has been paid for, that she has received from the LORD’s hand double for all her sins. (NIV) Isaiah 40:1-2
Isaiah 40 begins with the words “comfort, comfort” spoken to the few faithful people of Israel who are now in exile in Babylon. God promises His people that He will come in strength to rescue them and that He, the creator of the universe, “comes with power and His arm rules for Him” (v.10). God is not like a temporal or transient man (v.6-7), but instead is mighty enough to not allow anything to stand in the way of the remnant returning to Jerusalem (v.3-5). Isaiah also describes the nations of the world as a minuscule “drop in the bucket” compared to God, implying that God is not dependent upon what man does. “To whom, then, will you compare God?” Isaiah asks in verse 18. His capability and power to return the Jews to Jerusalem is unquestionable!
How are you doubting God’s power today? What “impossibility” do you see in your life that is too big for God? Don’t laugh at these questions. If you dig down deep into yourself, you will find someone that you have given up on. . . or a situation that you don’t believe will ever change. . . don’t give up, turn to God!
Directions in Life
Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” (NIV) Isaiah 30:21
Not too long ago I was in an unfamiliar area of the country, traveling from one city to another. It seemed like the directions were instructing me to turn onto new roads about every 5 minutes. I had a couple of good maps, but most of the roads were 2 lanes in a mountainous area. Needless to say, I had to pay very close attention to what I was doing so that I did not make a wrong turn and end up lost.
Sometimes in life, we feel like we are on a circuitous route, unsure of every turn we take. At times the decisions we make can have long term effects on our lives and the lives of those around us. Other times the decisions that we face are choosing between what is good and what is best. And although we do not have detailed road maps for life, we do have God’s Word and His Spirit to guide us.
Are you facing decisions today? Who are you relying on for the answers? your own gut instinct? your friend’s advice? whatever the circumstances dictate? Or are you relying on the One who knows the future to direct you? I don’t know about you, but I feel safest listening to the true Guide!
A Prayer from Isaiah 33
O LORD, be gracious to us; we long for you. Be our strength every morning, our salvation in time of distress. (NIV) Isaiah 33:2
O Lord, be gracious to me. . .I long for you. Be my strength every morning, my salvation in times of distress. For You O Lord are exalted because You dwell on high. You are the sure foundation for these times. You are a rich storehouse of salvation and wisdom and knowledge.
Who of us can dwell in the presence of the One who walks righteously and speaks what is right? As I read of Your holiness, of Your judgment, of You consuming anger, I see how insignificant I am. . .forgive me for thinking that I am anything, that I have any answers, that I have any wisdom, that I am anything but sinful in Your midst.
O Lord, it seems that so often I pridefully put myself in Your category; whether it’s thinking that I can run my own life or thinking of myself first, instead of serving and worshiping You. I pray that I will see You as holy, that I will come to know You in a more intimate way. . .and as I do, that I am driven to my knees in fear, a holy fear of You. May everything that I do and think today honor You. Amen
Horses and Chariots
Woe to those who go down to Egypt for help, who rely on horses, who trust in the multitude of their chariots and in the great strength of their horsemen, but do not look to the Holy One of Israel, or seek help from the LORD. (NIV) Isaiah 31:1
Israel, under the leadership of King Hezekiah, once again ignored warnings from God and from history, and went their own way. In terms of protection, the people chose to place greater value on Egypt’s alliance and army than on the living God. They did not look to God for protection nor seek His help.
Today we wouldn’t rely on horses or chariots for security, but we still have the tendency to rely on things seen, rather than on the living God! What are your horses and chariots? What are you depending upon instead of trusting God? Money? A secluded neighborhood? Your income level? Your good health? A pollyanna attitude? Your intelligence? Your job security? Your retirement fund? Your spouse? Your inheritance?
No matter what you’re depending upon, if it is anything other than God, expect to be disappointed! There is nothing in life that is dependable and unchanging in nature other than God Himself!
Learn more about God at the Anchor Your Life website
Do Everything In Love
God tells us that we are to love others not only through the words we say, but also through our actions. How are you extending love in tangible ways to the neighbors you know? There’s a saying, “Love isn’t love until you give it away.” You may feel love towards someone, but you also need to express your love to that individual.
How do you express your love for someone in words?
How do you express your love through acts of kindness?
When was the last time you extended an act of love to someone? What was it?
How do you express your love through acts of sacrifice? through acts of service? through acts of forgiveness?
When was the last time you unselfishly “served” your neighbor? When will you choose to serve someone again?
How do you express your love to those in need? to those who are unhealthy? to those who are hurting? to those who are unlovely?
In what tangible ways do you express Christ’s love to others?
One of the greatest ways that you can extend love to your neighbor is by praying for him or her. As you spend time with your neighbors, listen to their needs and take mental note of how you can pray for them. Make a commitment to pray for your neighbors everyday. . . and then watch for how God answers your prayers! You’ll be amazed at how powerfully God wants to use you and your praying to extend His love to your neighbors!
So which neighbor will you pray for today?
Love Hopes and Perseveres
It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. (NIV) 1 Corinthians 13:7
How do you measure up against God’s standards for love?
How do you measure up against God’s standards for love? When was the last time you lost hope? hope in God? in your present situation? in the future? in your marriage? in your children? in your ability to provide for your family? Do you look at failure as final?
When do you feel like giving up? in the middle of health problems? suffering? persecution? difficulties at work? difficulties within your family? Do you feel like giving up when it looks like there’s no way out of a situation?
How do you measure up against God’s standards for love?